About us
About us
Fundax Sporting Innovations was founded in 2009, as a result of the work done by three friends, who haved combined experience in the leather sector, the Industrial Chemistry and the field of Sports.
Our company is premised on innovation and exclusivity in the materials and processes employed. We are always looking to improve the quality of our products, which are carefully manufactured in our own facilities.
Moreover, we are constantly researching and creating new sport goods, in particular within the sports of cycling, which is the driving force of the company.
The manufacture of our products takes place in Lorca (Región de Murcia), since we are fully comitted to create jobs in our own country.

Polígono Industrial La Hoya
C/ Embalse de Valdeinfierno, 5-7 – Nave 2
30816 Lorca (Murcia- Spain)

+34 617 656 596
Our catalog
Browse our online catalog and find out more details about our products.